The lady there is leaving for vacation this weekend, and she is only open in the morning some days. I was able to catch her right at the beginning of the day before she (and I) got too busy. So, now I can officially drive my car! ... Visited Sitzenkirch. I had been to the elementary school back in March, but this trip allowed me to really visualize where I am going to be and which classrooms might be mine. The Discovery (special needs) teacher took me there, ...
The Reseda Workshop is filled but there may be room in the Gualala one, if anyone is looking for a working bvacation/b. I get this little computer message every day from "The Universe"! I especially like the one from today. Hope you do, too. " You get as many "do-overs" as you b..../b Cold Knuckle Sketching - It's back to cold fingers again, sitting out by the fountain in the village of bSitzenkirch/b. We did get a little sunshine, which warmed things up a bit, but... 2 hours ago ...